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U ovom poslednjem delu teorije prikazan je niz mogućnosti kako možete sami da proverite 5 bioloških prirodnih zakona nove medicine, za razliku od prethodnog pristupa u medicini, koji niko ne može ni da počne da kontroliše.
Here are the references and sources:
1) Resolve allergies – own reports:
Pepper allergy
Apple allergy
Coffee allergy
Dust mite allergy
2) Prediction of irregular symptoms – own reports:
Sting on the heart
3) Prediction of one-time symptoms – own reports:
Epileptic seizure
Back pain / lumbago
4) Subsequent comparison in the SBS progress of special symptoms – own reports:
Eczema / Neurodermatitis
5) Prediction of the duration of symptoms – own reports:
Viral infection / bronchitis
6) Check of the sidedness of symptoms – own reports:
7) Recommendations for deepening the 5BN:
– The multi-referenced website by Caroline Markolin
– The great Book „The Psychic Roots of Diseases“ by Björn Eybl – as free download in many languages.
– The 4-hour documentation by David Münnich, which has been viewed almost 3 million times (german, with english subtitles)
– A very good introduction presentation by Dr. Melissa Sell (who is also the speaker of the english version of this series) on Youtube
– A very good introduction book by Mark Hanley (who is also the translator of the english version of this series), searching for the understanding of the cause of disease in the different existing healthcare models.
– A great books compilation to the 5BN (by Monika Anzenberger, in german, but you can scroll down to the „Englisch“-section for english literature).
A little correction:
At the acknowledgements unfortunately a mistake crept in – of course I thank „Tina“ and not „Tanja“ Ibach for her help and great suggestions for improving the videos!