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Ovaj deo pokažuje kako smisleni biološki posobni program započinje na osnovu situacije koja se doživljava kao biološki sukob, koji je opisan u 1. Biološkim prirodnim zakonu. Takođe se obrađuje sadržaj sukoba i sinhronost 3 nivoa.
Here are the references and sources:
1) This song (german) nicely shows a few aspects of the psychic level of a strong conflict-active phase.
2) Fundamentals of the 1st Biological Law of Nature with many illustrations of Hamer Foci.
3) Details of the functional changes at the organic level in part 6 of this series.
4) Fundamentals of the 1st Biological Law of Nature and a critical consideration and important background to the emergence of the 1st biological natural law (german).